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Corporate Mobility

Experts in Global Mobility

Your Ideal Partner for Calm and Effective EXPAT Transfers

Transform Global Mobility into a Competitive Advantage: Join Us to Expand Your Corporate Horizons! La Relocation is composed of expert Relocation Managers who work closely with companies’ Global Mobility Managers during the relocation (EXPAT) phase, ensuring employees a personal transfer that is not only swift and serene but also extremely efficient.

We make your Company Relocation smooth, fast and without problems

How does it work?​

Relocation will study a business relocation services solution based on your business needs designed to allow your future collaborator to be operational in an optimal way and in a short time.

This path will allow your expat employees, first of all, to obtain the necessary documents for the purposes of requesting a work permit.

Furthermore, thanks to the excellent local relationships with institutional entities consolidated over the years, La Relocation is able to quickly guarantee access to professional suppliers from different qualified sectors to allow a peaceful settlement in the new territory.

After having identified the most suitable collaboration method we will be able to assist your collaborator in a personalized and attentive way.

Prenota un incontro o una videochiamata di 60 minuti con il nostro team esperto e scopri come possiamo costruire insieme un assistenza mirata per i vostri dipendenti soddisfare le tue esigenze.

Ricevi un accordo di collaborazione con relative procedure di comunicazione e una scelta di pacchetti creati ad hoc secondo le vostre policy aziendali.
Conosci il relocation manager dedicato che farà da referente. Condividi con il tuo team le procedure di comunicazioni e il materiale di supporto ottimizzato secondo le necessità condivise.

Corporate Mobility

Analysis and planning

Thanks to a careful analysis of the different peculiarities of each individual collaborator and the general needs of each of their family members, we carefully plan their transfer in order to facilitate their entry into the working world in an optimal way.

Search for an ideal home

Based on the needs that emerged in the interviews and the established budget, the ideal geographical areas will be identified for searching for a home that can satisfy the desired requirements. Thanks to a network of collaborations in the area we are able to quickly organize a careful selection of solutions and dedicated house inspections.

General administrative practices

We take care of all the practical and administrative aspects that revolve around a global relocation. We are able to accompany your resources step by step so that they can become familiar with our bureaucratic, insurance and tax reality.

Lifestyle Management

We offer lifestyle packages to support your employees even after they settle into the new territory. The solutions proposed are always studied and aimed at improving the quality of life in a practical and complete way. Greater serenity means greater productivity, so we recommend this type of support especially for those who do not yet know the language or who travel a lot.

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